Sunday, August 21, 2011

The One

wow two in one night, that's a record anyway, as I was finishing up my last one I was looking at my blog and I was thinking about a post I put on face book, about counting down the days till college and how once I'm there I want to meet my soul mate. My parents met in college and I have always loved those kinds of romances. I know it's unlikely, but sometimes I like to hope. I was watching "500 days of summer" the movie, which is actually a movie I dislike greatly, only because of the ending, anyway I was mainly concentrating on the actually happy and positive parts in their relationship, and I loved that. I liked when they went to "IKEA" and played house in all the different set-ups in the store, like the kitchen and the living room. Oh, and I loved the part were the guy has just fallen in love and it turns into the big musical number to the song "You make my dreams come true" and everyone gets involved and it's happy and unrealistically wonderful. I love that, I want that in a relationship. someone commented on the post on Facebook and said that me wanting to find my soul mate was cute, which I get that, but I didn't do it to be cute, I did cause it's true. when someone says cute, well, cute is what you say to a five year old when they say they want to be president, or a princess. I don't know that just how I see it. so I hope theirs "the one" out there for me, and maybe she will be on campus or maybe I'll meet her when I'm forty.

-Thank you for reading Something Jason

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